For small terrarium, the most needed glue is: aquariumscape adhesive. As its name suggest, it is made for aquarium landscaping.
It glue rockes and stones quickly and easily.
I use it in almost all the terrariums. The following is one of the video clips.
To glue two rockes together, the two needs contact surface. Thus dust, cotton, or most times tissue are needed to fill the gaps. Most importantly, it won't dye the original color of the item it glued. If I use tissue, I can easly cover a layer of rock powder or wood shurd to make it look natural. Payattention to the glued part and comparing how cement glued work at bottom.
The first section of this video showing how I cover the white cotton / tissue with small back rockes.
A more sturdy way is cement. If you are building large terrariums, and use large rockes, it is of course the best choice. But in small terrariums, it has 3 disadvantage: 1. it is hard to go into narrow gaps; 2, it has its over color; 3. it makes anything it covered looks like cement.
Here are comparing photos showing rockes glued by quariumscape adhesive and cement separately.
These are ohko dragon Stones, glued by cement. Before I apply cement, I use aquariumscape adhesive first to keep the rockes glued together roughly so they won't move or fall apart in later steps.
These are ohko dragon Stones, glued by cement.
Those black rockes are lava. The light grey material is cement.