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How to get moss seed and grow moss at home?

Writer's picture: LeaLea

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

1. The fist question: where and how to get moss seed?

Answer: You can make seed for moss yourself. It is easy. Please collect moss from the wild. It does not matter that they are dry, too small to use etc. Please just collect them and cut them into small piece, then you will get your moss seed.

2. The second question: when should I start?

Answer: With small containers, you can grow them anytime indoor.

3. The third question: how to raise moss?

Answer: keep the container mois and avoid waterlog.

In most cases, you can not collect moss in good condition to build a terrarium.

They may be dry, black for watelog, too small pieces, etc. In this case, you can grow them at home with simple tools. That is totally ok if you plant them from seed. It takes months to grow so please be patience.

Tools you need: a transparent box, soil and most important, a sprayer.

step 1: cut moss in small piece. Use scissors, and hand, or even electric blender (please choose lower power ones for the moss does not need to be that small).

step 2: find a transparent box and put some soil. Here I use the packing box for croissant and fruits from Walmart.

step 3: spread the cutted moss on the soil. Any will be ok. Here I choose small lava rockes and gardening soil.

step 4: cover a sheer of soil. Here are several ways: you can choose to mix the soil with moss; you can choose do not cover this sheer or soil too.

step 5: put it in a cool and bright place without direct sunlight. LED grow light will be ok too. Please Keep it moist with a water sprayer.

Here is my photos steps.

You can also find the video from my youtube channel: @ncypgardenterrarium

They are in short for the whole process is quite simple.

Planting example 1: The moss is Leucobryum moss. It takes longer time than other moss.

Planting example 2: The moss is Leucobryum moss. This time I mis the cutted moss with soil

I cut the moss and mix it with soil

the bottom layer soil

the moss and soil mix

how it looks like from the side

Planting example 3: The moss is Hypnum cupressiforme. I mix the cutted moss with gardening soil.

they are cutted into small piece

they are mixed with gardening soil

the mix is placed on a lava rockes

How it look like from the side

This box is very tight so I put make a cross cut wit knife to let vent.

update: this is how it looks like a month later.

This is a record posts. I will keep updating.

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