The the moss: Hypnum plumaeforme Wils. (it is planted on a piece of bark with dry moss as substrate).
2. the plants: Ficus pumila 'Quercifolia' and fittonia. There is a tree like small branches. It is pretty sturdy and allow the mantis climbing.
3. Q&A
1) Q: Do I need to buy a net accessories for the praying mantis climb?
A: No. mantis will grasp the twigs and leaves.
2) Q: Do I need to put in a water feeder?
A: No. Please spray your plants every 2-3 days and the mantis will drink from the small waterdrop on moss and leaves.
The building video.
This is an decent live plants mantis terrarium. She peealed twice in it. In most of time, the mantis hang itself on the vent or branches. Here are some of the photos.
This is some video clips pf ghost mantis. The video clips are speeded up.
Guess where the ghost mantis is?
This video is speeded up. It was taken 2-3 months since moving in this terrarium. Compared with previous photos and video, Ficus pumila grows lots and the ghost mantis shedded twice. Now it looks like a piece of dead leae.
Updates on 2024, Oct.
To be updated.